Sunday, July 10, 2011

With My Little Song.

There is a line from a song stuck in my head at this moment.
" ...I would change the world , with my little song." ...... and I am remembering.

I remember a 16year old Catholic school girl wanting to make a difference in 'the whole world'....making it a better place....ah, I hear another song. An idealist as only the young or young at heart can be,or are?

Then I heard a voice say..... it's too big a job just for one person. And in that moment I thought perhaps that is not what I am meant to do,or can do ...alone.
Then I heard another voice that said...but you can make a difference to each person you meet.

I can change the world with my little song, I found a way.

As the years persued I sang......however not all my songs have been songs of joy and inspiration.
Sometimes they were my pain, my weariness, my lost faith in myself, Sometimes they were self indulgent and egotistical.

And .... sometimes they were magical, songs of praise,songs of love, songs of blessings, gratitude and joy.

Now I am older, even wiser perhaps.....some say . I am no longer 16. Yet I still have this song to sing-
to make mine and your world a better place.
I now know this world is not outside of ourselves but within.

I have found a way to shine a light so you too can find out how to make your world a better place.

Find your song....sing it with all your heart.....out loud within......surprisingly others will hear it without.

I only have a little song to sing but I sing it with all my heart......can you hear me, can you hear me.

I Am Loving Me. I Am Loving YOU.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

What Is A Lightworker?

               The Lightworker works in and with
              The Universal LIFE
              Shining into the Corners of Darkness.

                     bringing HOPE

                     bringing FAITH

                     bringing LOVE.

           The time for the lightworkers to wake up and do their appointed tasks has arrived

                              You are not a lightworker because someone has told you so.
                              You are not a lightworker because it's an nice turn of phrase.

                              Your are not a lightworker because you like the sound or thought of it.

                                         For:- being a Lightworker is not to be taken 'lightly'

                               You are a lightworker because you were asked to be one,
                                            and you accepted to do the task.

                                          You chose the road of - the Warrior.

                                        That is what it means to be a lightworker.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Destiny, How Do I Know?

How do you know what is your destiny? Or even if you have one, a destiny that is?
How can you tell if you are living your destiny or not?
Do you have a destiny? Do you want to know,or even want to have 'a destiny'?

I have always felt I was destined for 'something'. Not necessarily in terms of a great destiny,as some feel it, but a destiny that was mine and mine alone. Call me crazy but I know I am not alone, in that thought. I have met many people who have felt that they had a personal destiny and wanted to know what it is.

The interesting thing about destiny is that it is not until you discover, or met with it, that you know what your destiny is. The thing about destiny is, you do know it when you are in it.
When everything about what you are doing flows, feels  'right' and there is a 'knowing' -that you are doing what you are meant to be doing.Then you are in/and living your destiny.

We  are all destined for greatness within us. If the measure of that greatless is measured by using another's measuring device, not our own, you will get an incorrect reading.And miss the truth of who you are and your unique place in the Universe.

Some are destined to be teachers , others business people , others parents, while others chose something else for their life. Some of us recognize the destiny journey that is ours while others are still yet to met their destiny.
I wonder if along this journey we call life, we aren't destined to have many destinies?
Perhaps destiny mets us, yet we are unaware of the part destiny has played in our lives.

I look over my life and I have had a couple of major moments when destiny and I have been partners and now I feel that parnership again. In that past I did not see that I was living my destiny, it was just what I was doing.Whatever I was doing I did in and from a place of love, with verying degrees of success (critical success, that is) And it flowed until it didn't anymore. Was that the moment I should have know that that part of the journey was over and a new destiny awaited.

I know the difference, now that I know what my destiny is in this moment in time. In the past I did not recognize I was living my destiny,of and in that moment of time.

 I Am Now in Awareness. I Am Awake.

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Meeting with Destiny.

It seems appropriate to begin writing about this part of my journey on this day, Good Friday of 2011. A death prior to a a new life.
I see the significance to all my life and of my life.
Every bump, pothole,earthquake....Every highway and byway....
Every joy....Every pain of my life.
Over the last few years my journey (of life) has been in a state of awareness
Awareness of the dream , of the illusions.

I Am Awake....and in this state I have had insights and visions of my destiny
Pieces of a puzzle, is how I would describe these insights and visions.

On 11/4/11, a significant date and number 11, the final piece to the puzzle was delivered to me.
All the pieces to my puzzle were finally together and I could clearly see the picture.
A picture with the title My Destiny.

You know something is 'right' when EVERYTHING FLOWS.....
What needs to be done...
creative ideas....people,lessons,connections...
help,insights,inspiration....All flows.
And for me that flow was and is so intense it was like...I thought a tidal wave and yet a tsunami...I was hit by the Flow.
I feel the intensity of the tsunami. However I am untouched by its force.
I am at one with it...under,over,within.
I am one with the ocean.
This is so right.